Prayers . . . for loved ones, friends, and strangers






Lord,  he did it again!  I cringe at the way my friend's insensitive words and behavior wreak havoc with others' lives.  He batters with his words and wounds with his thoughtlessness.


Open his eyes. Show him the pain he's causing.  Pierce his heart with remorse.  Place within him a desire to change.  Then draw him to yourself.  Save him if he does not know you.  Assure him of your love.  Reveal to him the strongholds of sin in his life that may be the source of his behavior;  anger from past hurts in his own life, selfishness, a ad role model, or faulty thinking.


Bring alongside him those who can lovingly guide him to the transforming power of your Holy Spirit and Your Word.  Form him into your image so that he'll experience the joy of being like you, learn to encourage others, and cause many to marvel at your greatness.


Thank you that your power can accomplish in us what we cannot do ourselves.  In your powerful name,




"All kinds of animals, birds, reptiles and creatures of the sea are being tamed and have been tamed by man,

but no man can tame the tongue.

It is a restless evil, full of deadly poison. "

James 3:7-8








Date this page was last edited:  July 11, 2004