Prayers . . . for children



Prayer of a Foster Parent


Dear Lord, thank you for the quiet of morning where I can rest in your presence and renew myself before our home bustles with the business of raising youngsters.  I am overcome with gratitude that you chose me to minister love to these hurting ones.  At the same time I feel inadequate and overwhelmed.  I hate to admit I sometimes struggle to love them as much as I love my own children.  Change my heart, Lord.  Help me to love them fervently and wholeheartedly.


They've been so damaged, God; so neglected.  They don't know who to trust; who they can depend on.  Make me a tower of strength for them.  Send them to me when they need a hug or a pat of the head, and make me willing to put my own interests aside to give them the time they need.  Mold me into an example of your pure and holy love.  Teach them to recognize you because they see you shining through me.  Call them to confess their sins and accept you into their hearts so you can heal them from the inside out.  Teach them to give their hurts and concerns to you.  Give them a strong relationship with you that will sustain them when they return to their natural families.


God, you know I can't do this alone.  Please guide me as i go through this day.  Give me patience and divine intuition to know what each child needs.  Let every detail of our interactions glorify you.  Make us victorious, through Christ.





"So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do

 do it all for the glory of God."


1 Corinthians 10:31








Date this page was last edited:  July 11, 2004