Prayers . . . while I am waiting
Lord, I fight these feelings of uselessness so often. Sometimes they fill me as a fresh grief, sometimes as a familiar, unwanted ache.
I want to be busy doing things, learning things, contributing to others' lives, expanding my horizons, -- all those activities that give satisfaction and a sense of personal value. But I can't. I feel so useless!
Please help me to live by faith -- faith in your goodness and in your plan for my life. Remind me that I can fulfill the purpose for which you created me -- to glorify you and enjoy you. Help me remember that Jesus commended Mary, who cultivated her relationship with him by sitting at his feet, rath3r than Martha, her busy sister.
Lord, give me the courage to hope and not give up. Give me the love to value others and not become self-centered or bitter, and the strength to praise you and not complain. And if you would, allow me to enrich and bless the lives of those around me.
I love you,
"'Martha, Martha,' the Lord answered, 'you are worried and upset about many things, but only one thing is needed. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away form her.'"
Luke 10:41-42
Date this page was last edited: July 24, 2004