Prayers . . . for children
Father, my child is suffering, I am too. Schoolmates taunt, making fun of clothes, looks, and grades. Their cruelty not only wounds my child, it's driving a knife into my heart. I want to shake them, shout at them, give them a dose of their own medicine, and take their parents and the teacher to task.
You know the pain of witnessing the mockery and rejection of your Son. Yet you've told us to love our enemies; to pray for those who persecute us.
Please forgive my anger at these children. Help me see them from your point of view -- as little sinners whom you love. Show me how to assure my child of value in your eyes and mine. Help me explain how sin in each of our hearts hurts others.
Furnish me the words to pray for my child's enemies. Give me ideas for counteracting their behavior in a positive, loving way -- overcoming evil with good. Help me know when to intervene.
Lord, my greatest fear is that these children will destroy my child's belief of innate value. Please use this situation to strengthen my child's character instead. May my child grow in your favor. In the name of your precious Son who valued her enough to die for my child.
"But I tell you; Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you."
Matthew 5:44
"Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse."
Romans 12:14
Date this page was last edited: July 11, 2004