Prayers . . . on marriage and divorce
Keep a Marriage Together in the Face of Divorce
Heavenly Father, couples expect oneness and sharing when they marry, but often they experience pain, anger, and coldness instead.
You designed marriage as an earthly example of the relationship of Christ and the church. This relationship created for mutual love and satisfaction does not develop easily, sometimes not at all. Help couples realize the sacredness of this relationship even as it falls short of the ideal. Place within them the determination to honor their marriage vows and commitment, even when their legitimate needs are not met. Help them turn to you to fill the aching void in their lies. Use this pain to enhance their relationship with you.
Lord, give them intimate times with you as they study your Word and talk with you in prayer. Show them how to love their spouses by praying for them, choosing to act in their best interests, and returning good for evil. Keep them faithful to each other even when the relationship is not personally fulfilling. Help them understand the importance of their marriage in others' lives. Remind them that their marriage is crucial to the healthy development of their children and the stability of the Christian and local communities.
Thank you that you work in people's hearts and that change is possible. Transform faltering marriages into a vibrant relationship that will bring joy to couples and to all those who witness them, in Jesus' name,
"Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ."
Ephesians 5:21
Date this page was last edited: July 24, 2004