Prayers . . . for prisoners



A Plea for Freedom


Lord, I pray for my friend in prison.  He has few choices.  He is told when to get up and go to bed, when to eat, when to exercise, and when to bathe.  He is told when to go to school, to work, and to treatment group.  he is told when he may have visitors and when he may not.  It is confinement 24/7!


Even when he has free time and desires to study your Word, it is a challenge.  The sitting areas are noisy with the sounds of television, computer games, and socialization.  The dorm is quieter, but the environment sedates him to drowsiness because he body is accustomed to sleeping there.


Life is lived in a few thousand square feet.  He is never free from distractions.  he never has time alone with his thoughts or alone with you.


He is yearning to be outside the fence, geographically free.  Lord, help him to remember that physical freedom is simply freedom of the outerself -- his out self that naturally desire the things of the world.


Lord, you have set him free spiritually.  His inner self is your.  Help him to remember he is free to sere you; to be salt and light to those who also struggle within those few thousand square feet. Help him because of the sacrifice Jesus made for him.  





"For he who was a slave when he was called by the Lord

is the Lord's freed man;

similarly, he who was a free man when he was called is

Christ's slave."


1 Corinthians 7:22







Date this page was last edited:  July 11, 2004