. . . on inner turmoil
Prayer as a Business Fails
High and lofty God, I bow before you, pleading help for my friend as he declares bankruptcy. He had such high hopes, Lord, but now he is devastated. He staked his reputation and manly pride on the success of his business. He put his whole being into it, determined to make it work.
Lord, it's all gone now and he is broken. How will he support his family? How will he face his business associates? give him answer. When he fills like a failure, comfort him. Don't let him slump into despair. When he struggles to discover the next step, open doors for him. Help him honestly face mistakes he made so he won't6 repeat them in the future. Strengthen his business acumen so he can succeed at his next job. Don't let people in his line or work ostracize him. Make him wise as a snake so they will continue to need his skills. Protect him when he attempts to purchase necessary goods and equipment; don't let other discriminate against him financially.
His business was his ministry, Lord. Give him a new way to serve you. Lead him to use this waiting time to mend relationships in his family; let them comfort each other. And Lord, as a nice surprise, could you show him how to actually enjoy living without credit? I ask these things in Jesus' name.
"Therefore be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves."
Matthew 10:16
Date this page was last edited: July 24, 2004