Prayers . . . on living successfully





LORD, everything I do to make my marriage work, fails.  My prayers come up empty.  When I ask you to change my mate, your small voice whispers that it's me you want to change.


LORD, I didn't come into this marriage to change.  I thought I was already doing pretty well.  I was mature, open, transparent, communicative, and loving.  Wasn't I?  But now I find that I'm not quite so mature.  Not so open.  When my feelings have been hurt, bruised, or even crushed, I withdraw or lash out.  I either rationalize my behavior or deny it.


I find that I'm not so loving.  How could I be if I hate the one I promised to cherish until I die?  All my efforts seem to turn into either bitter arguments or frigid silence.  LORD, help me.  I don't know what to do.


One thing I've discovered is that I don't know how to love unconditionally.  Help me be objective.  Give me clues to begin to understand my spouse.  Help me be loving, kind, gentile, patient, and long-suffering, rather than vengeful.  Make me warm, not cold.  Give me a soft answer, not a sarcastic one.  Teach me to forgive so that I will be forgiven.  Teach me to express my feelings in a loving way rather than to harbor bitterness.  Make me the partner you want me to be, and make our marriage a reflection of Christ and the church.





Be kind and compassionate to one another,

forgiving each other,

just as in Christ God forgave you.


Ephesians 4:32







Date this page was last edited:  July 24, 2004