Prayers . . . for prisoners





Holy God, you are right and just in all you do.  I pray that I will never lose sight of that truth.  I pray for my friend in prison.  I thank you that he has come to salvation in you -- the one and only true God.  He knows that in your loving mercy you graciously extended yourself to him.  Thank you for showing him the way to your grace!


As he spends time in jail, he'll meet people who have committed equal or greater crimes than he, but who are serving less time.  Help him not to get caught up in trying to determine justice based on man's proceedings.  Help him to always remember his sins were paid or by your Son Jesus Christ, thereby allowing him to be justified before you.


Lord, help him to not avenge himself, but to leave vengeance up to you and to be merciful to others as you are merciful to him.  May he thoughtfully pray for prosecutors that they would seek appropriate consequences for crimes committed, and that judges and juries would make correct decisions.  Lord, help him to rest in your justice and mercy. Thank you, Lord.




"Do not take revenge, my friends,

but leave room for God's wrath, for it is written:

'It is mine to avenge; I will repay,' says the Lord."


Romans 12:19








Date this page was last edited:  July 11, 2004