Prayers . . . on release from bondage



A Prayer for Someone with a Sex Addiction



Patient Father, strip away the selfishness, denial, and deceit that guard this stronghold in the heart of my friend.  Give him courage to confess his secret life and face the realities of his choice to use sex to cope with life's pain.  Surround him with people who will honestly confront him, empathetically understand him, boldly walk beside him, an gently restore him.


Reveal to him the power of your unconditional love that reaches beyond his shame and is a lifeline to him in the midst of his struggle.  He needs to realize that though you know the rancid details of his sin you still love him.  Show him you are faithful and able to meet all of his needs.  help him see that his struggle is not really with sex, but with the faulty way he views himself an the world.


Pick him up when he falters and fails.  Give him strength to press on when he feels like giving up.  Comfort him in times of depression.  Teach him to rely on you for strength.  Renew him as he presses on toward recovery.  Show him that you plan for him is not just to survive this addiction, but for him to have a transformed and victorious life.  Break the cycles and curses of addiction in this family line and bring blessing on generation upon generation with the broken spirit of my friend.  I pray through Jesus.




"Then I acknowledged my sin to you

and did not cover up my iniquity.

I said, 'I will confess my transgressions to the Lord' --

and you forgave the guilt of my sin.

Therefore let everyone who is godly

pray to you while you may be found;

surely when the might waters rise,

they will not reach him.'"


Psalm 32:5-6







Date this page was last edited:  July 24, 2004