Prayers . . . for the unthinkable



Prayer for the Relationship Broken by Adultery


O Faithful and true God, I am heartsick.  My husband has slept with another woman.  I am angry and disappointed.  I feel used and abandoned and betrayed.  I am furious he has cast our wedding vows aside and destroyed our life together with this selfish, thoughtless act.  Hatred for him is choking out my love; I can't think or function.  I want to lock him out of my life and my house.  I don't want to deal with this, yet I know I must.


Help me to know what to do.  We've invested years in our marriage and our children, Lord.  Our family, our finances, and our future will be ruined if we divorce.  Help me not act rashly.  Lead me to wise, godly counsel.  Show me the way.


Lord, turn my husband's heart back to me and the children.  Bring him home.  Help us get the help we need to begin again.  Show me how I need to change if I have contributed to our marriage problems.  Help us rebuild on your strong foundation.  Enable me to forgive him and forget this heartache.  Make me willing to work for the restoration of our marriage.  Help him receive your forgiveness, Lord, and enable him to live righteously. Thank you for hearing my prayer.





"Once you were alienated from God and were enemies

in your minds because of your evil behavior.

But now He has reconciled you."


Colossians 1:21-22








Date this page was last edited:  July 11, 2004