Heavenly Father, why are
we afraid? Nobody harmed us or anyone we know.
We simply read about the attacks on the internet, heard
about them on the radio, or watched the news about them
on the television. We understand that innocent people had been killed in an instant.
We prayed for
protection for victims fleeing the disaster. They were people just like
us, Lord.
Those attacks are in
our my memories and change our world, God. They destroy
our sense of safety. We feel the vulnerability of our nation;
we feel our own vulnerability. When will it happen again, Lord? Next time will it touch
our friends and family? Will You please protect us?
We know fear comes from Satan, not You, so take the fear from
us. We know that You have all power, God, and can do anything
You choose.
We trust our families and
ourselves to You.
We know nothing can happen to us unless You allow it.
We beg for
Your protection, but at the same time we ask for the grace to submit to
Your will. And we understand if something terrible does happen,
You will lift good from the bad and use it to glorify You.
We realize You will be with our families and ourselves, and provide comfort for us
through any trouble.
In Jesus' name.
If you make the Most High your dwelling --
even the LORD, who is my refuge --
then no harm will befall you,
no disaster will come near your tent.
Psalms 91:9-10