
Prayers, Power, Passion and Inspiration

RainDrops Prayers - Yesterday's Prayers

  And whatever you ask in prayer you will receive if you have faith.

Matthew 21:22





Dear Lord,


I want to pray for all those people that suffer with anxiety. It is another one of those very real things that most of us can't understand unless we too have encountered it. Then we can become consumed by fear, and find it difficult to trust even You. Help us Lord to not allow our worrying and planning to interfere with our relationship with You. Help us not to let our worrying about tomorrow disrupt our relationship with You today. Teach us Lord that is OK to plan and that there is a difference between that and worry. To plan is time well spent, to worry is time wasted. Help us now begin to plan carefully, and always trust in Your guidance and help. Now let Your Holy Spirit fill us with Your peace and with Your power so that there is no more need to feel anxious about anything.


In Jesus name I pray,




So don't be anxious about tomorrow. God will take care of your tomorrow too. Live one day at a time.


Matthew 6:34



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