
Prayers, Power, Passion and Inspiration

RainDrops Prayers - Yesterday's Prayers

  And whatever you ask in prayer you will receive if you have faith.

Matthew 21:22





Father God,


I sometimes forget when everything is going well, no sickness, bills are paid, vehicles are running, no repairs to the house to be made, that I owe it all to You. It is easy to slip into the "look at what all my hard work has done" attitude. It is human nature to want to boast, to brag... Call up our friends and invite them over so they can view our new plasma HDTV, or catch a peek at the  brand new car in the garage... God help me today to remember that every good thing comes from you. "Every promotion comes from above".


Help me not to seek out the praise of others but only look for Your approval. Help me to not get caught up in the recognition thing which can easily lead to boasting and "inflated pride". Thank You God for everything!


I ask it all in Jesus name,





As the scriptures say, "If anyone is going to boast,

let him boast about what the Lord has done and not about himself."


II Corinthians 10:17



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