Dear Heavenly Father,
I was reading today in the news how 40%
of the Canadian teenagers that were polled thought of America as evil?
Are we losing sight of what evil is Lord?
Are we reaching the point in our societies that we can no longer tell
good from evil, right from wrong? When America, one of the strongest
proponents for good in the world today is being thought of as evil by
educated people, are the terrorists starting to reach their goal?
Father teach us again like Jesus did when
he spoke to the disciples and said to beware of those and their
teachings who pretend to be good but are not. Their hypocrisy can not
be hidden forever. It will be as evident as the yeast in the dough!
Help us and teach us to know right from wrong, good from evil!
Dear God help us!
In Jesus name,
"Whatever they
have said in the dark, shall be heard in the light,
and whatever you
have whispered in the inner rooms shall be shouted from the housetops"
Luke 12:2