
Prayers, Power, Passion and Inspiration

RainDrops Prayers - Yesterday's Prayers

  And whatever you ask in prayer you will receive if you have faith.

Matthew 21:22



Give My Friend Assurance of Salvation


Dear God of new beginnings, I bow before you in gratitude, thankful that you loved my friend enough to pull him from the depths of sin.


Thank you for sending your Son to die for him while he was still a sinner.  Thank you for forgiving his sins even through he deserved the death penalty -- because the payment for any sin is death.  Thank you for claiming him as your own. Thank you for viewing him as righteous through your Son Jesus.


I praise you, Lord, for making him able to believe in you.  I thank you that he openly confessed you as his Lord and Savior.  i ask that you make him so grateful for your forgiveness and love that he will continue to confess you over and over to people.


Now give him confidence in you, Father.  Help him to understand that everyone has sinned and fallen short of your glory.  Show him that there is no longer any reason for him to feel guilt, because there is no condemnation for anyone who belongs to you, and he belongs to you.


Help him to know that even during those times when he may not feel saved from hell, he is.  Unlike his feelings, your promises stand firm.  I thank you, God, that he can boldly approach you through your Son Jesus.



"Whoever believes in the son has eternal life,

but whoever rejects the Son will not see life, for God's wrath remains on him."


John 3:36



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