
Prayers, Power, Passion and Inspiration

RainDrops Prayers - Yesterday's Prayers

  And whatever you ask in prayer you will receive if you have faith.

Matthew 21:22



"God is Love, Not Love is God"


Dear Lord,


People today seem to have a way of twisting things. They twist the the meaning, they twist the truth, then they want us to believe them and jump on their bandwagon. John said in the first chapter that "God is Love". The world has twisted that to say that when we love it is God, if God is love... But the real fact that lies hidden beneath is Satan has always been a master at twisting the truth. That's why divorce is rampant and disrespect of other people is blatant. God help us to learn that not everything that makes us feel good is love. That allot of times it is nothing more than selfishness, the very core of self being and the I, I, me, me, attitude and principle. Teach us Lord the true meaning of love, teach us to love like You do and then God I pray we begin to love with all our hearts like there is no tomorrow!


In Jesus name,




"But if a person isn't loving and kind, it shows he doesn't know God- for God is love" 


1 John 4:8



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