"Good News!"
Lord Jesus,
All around me are sources of information.
Radio, TV, newspapers, magazines, internet ... what a world we live in. Most of the "news" is not good. In fact
it is pretty scary; the stock market, accidents, disease, sickness,
death. It becomes allot worse when out of the
blue it is about someone I know, went to school with, a neighbor, or someone in
my family.
Thank you Lord that You have given us
"Good News"!
You have prepared a place for us and in
that place there is no more "darkness", sickness, diseases, and no more
sadness! Only light and peace and joy.
But most and best of all, You will be
there with us, and that alone will be more than we could ever need.
Thank You Father!
"In my Fathers house there are
many mansions...
I go to prepare a place for you
and I will come back and take you there!"
John 14:2-3