
Prayers, Power, Passion and Inspiration

RainDrops Prayers - Yesterday's Prayers

  And whatever you ask in prayer you will receive if you have faith.

Matthew 21:22



"Here's the Plan"

Father God,


It is so great to know that for each one of us You have a plan. A wonderful, joy filled, marvelous plan that holds all the best for us. But there is not one of us that at some time or other has not thought, "Why am I going through this?" or just plain, "Help me God!" We so often are quick to call that which invades our lives something other than Your plan for us.


Help us today Father to look for Your plan in each and everything that crosses our path. Help us not to call out for it's removal before You have had time to execute the "perfect" plan for our life. Let us look at the trouble and find in it what we need to grow, to change, to understand. Your plan is not the plan that we would normally choose, nor the way we would go.

In Jesus' name I pray,




"This plan of Mine is not the plan that you would work out, neither are My thoughts the same as yours"


Isaiah 55:8



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