
And whatever you ask in prayer you will receive if you have faith.
Matthew 21:22
"Imperfect Sacrifices"
Dear Lord,
I pray and ask You that
you impress upon my mind the necessity of offering You only the best.
Reading your word in the old testament about the sacrifices and where
the people were told to bring the best of whatever they had, it made me
realize more. It made me realize that you give us everything and to
give back the very best is in honor to You. Anything less implies that
Your "second best" in our lives. God forgive me for not always giving
my best to You. Help me today Lord to always offer the best I have to
You, every time.
In Jesus Name I pray,
"You say, 'O it's too
hard to serve the Lord and do what he asks'. And you turn up your noses
at the rules
He has given you to obey. Think of it! Stolen animals,
lame and sick- as offerings to God!
Should I accept such offerings as
these? asks the Lord. "
Malachi 1:13