"It's Never Too Late"
Father God,
I pray for that person out there
who may not even know You as their Lord, or they may profess that You are Lord
but really has never surrendered their life to You. But today they sit in a
"crossroad", traffic of life flowing all around them afraid to do anything.
Afraid to move, because they might get hit, afraid to stay there because they
know the odds increase every minute that they will never get out of where they
are. Lord, clear the salve from their eyes that the enemy has smeared upon
them, un-cloud their vision. Give their mind freedom to believe that it's
never too late to turn to you, it doesn't matter what others may think about
them. Let them understand that today is their day, this is the day they can
change forever and live forever. Today is the day they can truly know and live
the truth.
In Jesus' name I pray,
"But the other criminal protested. 'Don't you
even fear God when you are dying?
We deserve to die for our evil deeds, but
this man has not done one thing wrong.'
Then he said, ' Jesus remember me when
You come into Your kingdom'.
And Jesus replied ,'Today you will be with me in
Paradise. This is a solemn promise! "
Luke 23:40-42