
Prayers, Power, Passion and Inspiration

RainDrops Prayers - Yesterday's Prayers

  And whatever you ask in prayer you will receive if you have faith.

Matthew 21:22



"It's not the Water"


Father God,


It is so funny how we get caught up in formulas. There are people in this world that are getting rich off others by selling them an idea, or some secret that most of the time is nothing more than common sense. Selling them something that they didn't own in the first place. And many times it really works.  Not so much that it was great idea or formula for success, but that some actually believed that they could do exactly what the formula said they could do. It really had nothing to do with the secret. I could not help but think that is the same way it is with religion. We all get so caught up with a tradition, a formula, a certain way of doing things and of course it has to be done that way or it just wont work. Baptism never was or was meant to be anything but an outward sign, a show of faith that we had accepted Christ as our Savior, but it will certainly never save us. But the fact is all we need to do is believe in Jesus enough that we will agree to being baptized and it works! 


But just let us refuse to believe and we are condemned whether or not we are ever baptized. The fact is it is not in the water!


Lord God help all of us to believe with a fervent passion that drives us to You, our only salvation.

In Jesus' name I pray,




"Those who believe and are baptized will be saved. But those who refuse to believe will be condemned"


Mark 16:16



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