God, he's never had much time for You,
but I I know he's really scared, and needs Your help. Will you
please help Him, Lord? I know I'm guilty of a lot of things You don't approve of, but I believe your Son Jesus died on the cross for me
and for him. I'm asking You to forgive him of his sins and take
him to heaven to live with You if something goes wrong and he dies in
this surgery. If he lives through this, though, I promise to do my best to
show him how to let You be in
charge of his life. I haven't done a very good job so far, and I know I need your help.
Please help him not to be so afraid,
Lord. When he gets depressed and lonely, will you please comfort
They're coming to take him into the operating room now, so I'm just going to relax and believe that
he belongs to You. I believe you will be with him and help him. Thank you,
Jesus said, "I assure you, anyone who believes in me already has eternal life."
John 6:47 NLT