
Prayers, Power, Passion and Inspiration

RainDrops Prayers - Yesterday's Prayers

  And whatever you ask in prayer you will receive if you have faith.

Matthew 21:22



"Trust God!"



Dear Lord,


I am praying today for so many that are facing tough decisions, that are sick, that are doing without, that are alone...


Oh God help them to trust You! Help them to "know" that they are not alone, that You care deeply about them.  That is as sure as the sun brings light, You are with them right now.


Help them to place their complete trust in You and God I pray that as they do You will wrap Your arms around them, hold them and comfort them like only You can.


Fill them with peace right now and remove all worry.


In Jesus' precious name,




"So don't be anxious about tomorrow,

God will take care of your tomorrow too.

Live one day at a time." 


Matthew 6:34



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