Today's Prayer
Wednesday's Prayer ...
"Trust Him"
There may be many times in your life when things go wrong, don't add
up, and it will seem impossible that God would allow this to happen
to you. Trust in God. Do not waver, do not turn away, there is
reward at the end of the dark tunnel. You know God has a plan for
your life and He has not changed that, but you may have? Turn back
to Jesus, let Him lift and guide you through the good times and bad.
Dear Lord, we know that life doesn't always go the way we want it
to. But when it gets difficult, when we face ridicule or face tough
times, help us keep in mind that you ultimately have our best in
mind. Help us during the difficult times to keep our eyes on you,
trust in your plan and follow your will.
Thank you for that in Jesus' name,
Though he slay me, yet will I hope in him; I will surely defend my
ways to his face. Indeed, this will turn out for my deliverance, for
no godless man would dare come before him!
Job 13:15-16