Dear Heavenly Father,
In reading Your Word
about the religious leaders of Jesus time I had to think it has not
changed much in 2000 years. They followed him around trying everything
they could to catch Him in some sin and when they could not they tried
to drum up some false charges.
The Muslim leaders today making claims
that the USA and Israel were behind the tsunami that took place last
For Jesus they picked up stones to kill
Him, charging Him with blasphemy, how ironic that they were the real
blasphemers, cursing and attacking the very God that they claimed to
serve! I pray for them today oh Lord, I pray for those as Jesus said
"they are of their father the devil, for if they really knew Me they
would honor Me"
In Jesus Name,
"and at that point the
Jewish leaders picked up stones to kill Him.
But Jesus was hidden from
them and walked past them and left the Temple"
John 8:59