
Prayers, Power, Passion and Inspiration

RainDrops Prayers - Yesterday's Prayers

  And whatever you ask in prayer you will receive if you have faith.

Matthew 21:22



A Prayer for a Woman Suffering from Breast Cancer


Heavenly Father, the cancer every woman fears has attacked my friend.  This dreaded disease has become her constant companion.  It drains her energy, confuses her thoughts, and taunts her as she tucks her children into bed at night, seeps into her dreams.  She is terrified she will die and leave her husband and children.  Wipe away that fear and replace it with trust in You.


She is afraid of disappointing her husband, of losing him.  She has lost the part of her body he found most alluring.  She fears he will no longer find her beautiful and she won't have the energy to meet his needs. Deepen her husband's love for her and help him communicate his feelings in ways she can understand.  Enable; her to believe she is still beautiful to him.  Strengthen their marriage.  Show her that her beauty never came from a perfect body, but from Your Spirit shining through her.


Don't allow the cancer to dominate her life.  Instead, teach her to submit her future to You.  Let her feel your unconditional love and acceptance.  Draw her close.  Envelop her in Your peace and comfort.  Give her strength when she feels nauseated.  Keep her from feeling guilty when she is too tired to get up off the couch.  Send people to her who will help care for the children and prepare food.  Meet any financial needs that arise.


Illuminate a Bible promise that will sustain her through this difficult time.  Banish the cancer, Lord.  Heal her totally and completely.  Cause renewed energy to surge through her body.  Grant her a long, full life of service to her family and You. 


In Christ's name.




"But for you who revere My name, the Son of Righteousness will rise

with healing in His wings.  And you will go out and leap like calves

released from the stall."


Mal 4:2



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