
Prayers, Power, Passion and Inspiration

RainDrops Prayers - Yesterday's Prayers

  And whatever you ask in prayer you will receive if you have faith.

Matthew 21:22





"Hope in God for I shall yet praise Him,

the help of my countenance and my God."


-Psalm 43:5


When you imagine success, then an inner energy is generated that can best be described in one short word:  "Hope"!


Hope is the difference between ultimate success or failure, between life or death.


Ask yourself these questions:  Am I looking ahead with hope or looking back with disappointment?  Do I count my failures first and forget my successes?


Today I choose to live and succeed by continuing to look forward with hope.


God of hope, we’ve come today for a new supply of patience and grace.  Our boss is absolutely impossible to please.  No matter what we do, he finds fault.  We’re all good employees, Lord, organized and capable – turning in our work on time.  You know how often we help each other so everything stays on schedule.  Yet he constantly complains.  None of us can remember one time he has ever said thank you or affirmed us.  All he does is growl and scowl.  It’s so discouraging. Some take sick time just to get away from him for a day.  This situation is affecting the whole office. Depression hangs like a cloud over our heads.


Lord, we don’t want to  be bitter and angry.  We want to please You with a right attitude, no matter what happens at work.  But God, we’re so filled with resentment.  Please change our boss.  Give us, as employees, Your grace or Your answer.   One of Your character traits is justice, so we appeal to Your justice and mercy, Lord.  Your Word says we’re to cast our anxiety upon You, so we’re rolling this problem onto Your shoulders, Father.  We’re asking You to deal with him and his attitudes.  You made him, Lord, so we know You can speak to his heart.  Thank You.  Help us all get up and go to work again tomorrow in Your strength.




“May our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God our Father . . .

encourage your hearts

and strengthen you in every good word and deed.”


2 Thessalonians 2:16-17




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