Lord, help me! I'm married! Married! This isn't what I expected at all! I anticipated romantic evenings and thoughtful surprises, but suddenly he's a totally different person than he was before we married. He used to tell me how wonderful he thought I was, now he takes me for granted. I thought we'd be together all the time, instead I rarely see him. Sometimes I wonder if body snatchers sneaked in and replaced the man I love
with an alien.
Show me what to do. This is a nightmare. I promised to stay with this man forever! I do love him, but how can I live like this? Is my marriage different than everyone else's? Or is this what everyone meant when they said marriage would be hard work? Teach me how to do this marriage-work, Lord.
I've never felt so lonely in my life. Help me reach out to you for love when I wonder if my husband loves me. Teach me how to show love in spite of arguments and disappointments. I know he isn't deliberately hurting me. Release me from my expectations. Help me to be contented with the reality of marriage instead of hoping for a fantasy that exists only in books and movies.
Calm my spirit when we disagree. Show me how to forgive him when he hurts me. Help me understand his point of view. Help us overlook each other's flaws. Teach us how to compromise. Melt us into a unit I know you can do this, Lord, even though right now the possibility seem pretty remote.
I'm asking in Jesus' name.
"Hatred stirs up dissension, but love covers over all wrongs."
Proverbs 10:12