Dear God, I thank You for the words of encouragement you spoke to Joshua long ago when he looked ahead to the seemingly impossible job of leading your people into the Promised Land. You said if he would be courageous and obey you, he would succeed. That promise strengthens me during my own unique times of discouragement.
Nothing seems to work out as I planned. Unforeseen circumstances block my path. Disappointments abound -- both from others as well as myself. What is the use of going on
with my ideas when my plans fall apart and my expectations are dashed to pieces?
Yet I know I can't quit my ideas
and plans when life becomes too challenging and demanding. I know you want me to be strong and courageous. You want to encourage me. Fill my mind and heart with hope so I can accomplish all of your good purposes for my life. Keep close to me, Lord. Thank you for the assurance of Jesus' words when He said, "Surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."
Place Your hand over my heavy heart. Fill me with the faith I need to take the next step on my
journey. I want to follow You, not giving up on my ideas and
plans. Please renew me and be with me this day.
In Jesus name I pray,
Jeremiah, say this to the people of Judah:
This is what the Lord says:
You know if a man falls down, he gets up again.
And if a man goes the wrong way, he turns around and comes back.
Jeremiah 8:4