God Answers Prayer
My journey these past
few months has been one with much
spiritual warfare. It was filled with helping and serving others while at
the same time fighting the enemy, who did not want these services performed.
I came to realize just how important it is to train one's ear to hear and
understand what you are telling us to do. There was a call to help calm a
woman so her health was strong enough to deliver her first child. This
alone was a two-month process. There was witnessing to a rebellious young
man who was hungry and even starving for true witnessing of Your goodness.
There was counseling of another young man who grew up in a Christian home, was
Christian, yet did not recognize the enemy snapping at his heels. And
last, the good seeds needed to be planted in the enemy's garden.
Thank you Jesus, for the wisdom and knowledge You gave me to know
what was happening, for the guidance in serving those that needed help and for
answering my prayer as to when to initiate leaving the enemy so that they
could be effective when it came their time to fight this enemy.
"In trouble, deep trouble, I prayed to God.
He answered me."
Jonah 1:13 The Message