
Prayers, Power, Passion and Inspiration

RainDrops Prayers - Yesterday's Prayers

  And whatever you ask in prayer you will receive if you have faith.

Matthew 21:22



Prayer for a Woman Never Loved by Daddy


Faithful Father, who is more important in a little girl's life than her daddy?  He is her first love; her idol. She sees herself through his eyes.  If he calls her beautiful, she believes she is beautiful.  If he adores his little princess, she knows she is a treasure.


Holy God, my friends father didn't know how to love her.  He ignored her, criticized and ridiculed her, and punished her harshly.  He didn't know how to cuddle her.  He never told her he loved her and he probably never will.  That's why she can't feel worthy of love.  She exhausts her energies striving to prove she is loveable, still struggling to win Daddy's love.  And when she can't, she searches for other loves to fill the father-shaped hole in her heart.  But you and I both know that nothing will satisfy her until she recognizes who you are.


Open her eyes to the depth of your love for her.  Welcome her to Abba Father, her Daddy God.  Beckon her to crawl up on your lap and press her head against your strong Father-chest, sinking into the warmth of your love.  Enfold her in your arms.  Let your truth envelop her.  Breathe your Holy Spirit into her heart -- filling the emptiness, healing the wounds.  Bend your head to whisper beauty.  Assure her she is your treasure, your sparkling diamond, and you accept her just as she is.  Teach her to close her eyes and quiet her soul because she recognizes your true identity at last.  You are her true Father who offers eternal love.  She is your beloved daughter.  Through Christ you have made this possible.




"Even if my father and mother abandon me,

the Lord will hold me close."


Psalm 27:10 NLT



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