Just a Yes or
Dear Father,
After reading once
again in the book of Mark about how the religious leaders tried to trap
Jesus with a question about taxes I had to laugh. The thought of trying
to "trap" Jesus, to out think Him was so absurd. But then while I was
pondering the situation, my mind began to analyze the whole thing. They
expected a yes or no answer to the question "is it right to pay taxes
to Rome?" Either yes or no would have been trouble for Jesus. A yes
would mean He supported Rome and turned the people against Him, a no
would have been treason. But as would be suspected Jesus saw right
through them and asked to see a coin. Then true to form He asked them a
question; " Whose picture is on this coin?" Upon their answer that it
was the emperor Jesus said; "then if it is his give it to him, but give
unto God what is God's". Lord it is just like that today, help us to
depend on the very words that You will give us when we are the middle
of the battles we must fight. Help us to always turn to You for the
answers we need and not just try to answer with a simple yes or a no.
In Jesus' name I pray,
"and they scratched their heads in
amazement at His reply"
Mark 12:17b