
Prayers, Power, Passion and Inspiration

RainDrops Prayers - Yesterday's Prayers

  And whatever you ask in prayer you will receive if you have faith.

Matthew 21:22





"But let patience have her perfect work,

that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing."


James 1:4


Dear heavenly Father, I pray for patience in my life.  Help me to trust You and to know that You have everything under control.  Help me to stay steady and not overreact to people or situations but to be patient in all things.  When life is hectic, demanding, and busy, help me to not let frustration and anxiety steal patience out of my heart.


Help me, Lord, to trust the work that You are doing in me.  Help me to not strive for personal perfection but to allow You to be perfected in me.  Lord, help me to run the race that is before me with patience, not to run too fast and not to make thing happen in my future, but to let Your will be worked out in my life.


Help me to be patient in prayer.  When it seems as if You are not answering my prayers as quickly as I desire, help me to patiently wait for Your deliverance.  Instead of always wanting everything my way, let me be patient and see what You have for me.


Your Word says to let patience have her perfect work.  Lord, let that perfect work begin in me.  Help me to not be anxious, worried, or fretful, but to trust in, lean on, and rely upon You, know that You will work all things together for my good if I remain patient.  Help me to realize that change and challenges are a normal part of life and to be patience during those times of test and trials.


Lord, I pray for patience concerning my children and my wife.  Let me see in them what You see in them.  Help me to be a model of patience in my responses to them that I might see the manifestation of patience in their lives as well.


Let Your peace now guard over my heart and Your patience have its perfect work in me.  In Jesus' name  I pray, Amen.



"Trust in the Lord with all thine heart;

and lean not unto thine own understanding."

Proverbs 3:5



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